Thursday, April 22, 2010

No matter what goes on, I know I am blessed...

Tonight is not about me. It is about thanking all of you. All the wonderful, opinionated, honest people in my life. I have received a ton of emails, calls, notes and comments in the last few days. I am still trying to respond to all of them, but as I do that I just wanted to make sure you all knew how much you mean to me.

I love not only the amount of support my friends provide me but also the bluntness of your feedback. I have never been someone who only wanted people to agree with me. I believe we grow the most from being challenged, not from just being placated. I greatly value different points of view and luckily I am surrounded by a great many people who have no problem sharing their point of view. Please don't stop doing that.

I especially want to thank those people who have taken the risk of sharing their own personal stories with me. I know that is really hard to do in some cases, and your trust in me to protect those details and not to abuse them means a lot to me! I more than anyone know how scary it can be to put personal details out into the world and worry how someone might respond. Thank you for believing in me enough to feel you can share yourselves.

I am very grateful to each of you for being part of my life!

With lots of love!

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